DITEAM 12 - Diverse and inclusive teams for children under 12

DITEAM12 is an Erasmus+ co-funded project, spanning over 2 years. The project is a European-wide initiative, with partners from Mi Hijo y Yo (MHYY) in Spain, the European Paralympic Committees (EPC) in Austria, Educational Research Institute (ERI) in Slovenia, Informa Psicologia y Deporta (IDP) in Spain, Schola Empirica (SE) in the Czech Republic and the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education in Germany.
The participation of youth and children in sports is seen as an integral part of human development. However, as much as sport can promote inclusivity, it can also bring exclusion, disrespect and even violence, especially in a highly competitive environment.
In response to the growing demand for inclusive opportunities for children in sports, including within competitive youth sports, The DITEAM12 partnership was established with the goal of exploring the psychological and emotional development of children under 12 in sports clubs. Through this exploration, the partnership will develop preferable methods of coaching children inspired by inclusivity and diversity values.
DITEAM12 goals
1. Raise awareness of the positive aspects of noncompetitive sports for children under 12 years of age
2. Create inclusive and diverse clubs
3. Use inclusion and diversity in sports clubs as tools to prevent violence and intolerance
DITEAMS12’s findings will help federations, clubs, schools, parents and other sporting associations to support new and more inclusive coaching methods through a better understanding of the psychological implications on children.
The project consists of 5 steps leading to developing a more positive approach to coaching children:
1. Analysis of scientific resources on sports for children under 12
2. Questionnaires and Observations of pitch behaviours
3. Development of teaching material
4. School of Parents
5. Web Educational Tool

“Diverse and Inclusive Teams for Children under 12”
Newsletter nº3 April 2021
What has been happening in our project?
We have finished our Report on the Current State of Inclusion in Sports Clubs in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, and Spain, which analyses findings from the survey and interviews we have conducted to learn about the current practice in sports clubs for children under 12. Here is a summary of the most interesting points:
The majority of clubs in Germany and a third of clubs in Spain have no coaches with professional qualifications to train athletes with disabilities. In comparison to that, all Slovenia sports clubs have at least 1 coach with a professional qualification to train athletes with a disability.
The majority of managers (more than 60%) state that there was (at least once) an interest from an athlete with a disability to become part of the club.
Almost all coaches from Germany (94%) are aware of the existence of educational courses in their region about training athletes with disabilities. In comparison, only 26% of the coaches from Slovenia and 47% of coaches from Spain report knowing about such educational courses.
The coaches in the Czech Republic said the main priorities of their sports clubs were to cooperate with experts and to participate in competitions. No one recognized involving children with disabilities in their club as a priority.
You can read the full report
At the moment, we are developing educational materials for coaches and parents that will provide practical tips on how to build more inclusive children's sports clubs. If you would like to find out more about our activities, please contact us using the button below.

“Diverse and Inclusive Teams for Children under 12”
Newsletter nº2 November 2020
Playing by the ‘Right’ Rules and Inclusion is Possible
Is competition, diversity and inclusion somewhat of a contradiction in the world of sports? What if one changes the rules? Michelle Friedrich, Physical Education teacher-to-be and Ken Black, founder of The Inclusion Club provided answers to these questions for the DITEAM12 project partners and the professional community.
As an example, Michelle Friedrich presented the Easy Play Model, which consists of
“3 characteristics: Optimal competitiveness, play-easy approach, self-regulation. No referees, fair play, no score/recordkeeping, players compete in teams which are continuously rearranged within the group to ensure balanced games” –.
Do you want to learn more about the literature findings and best practice examples? Please click HERE to listen to Michelle elaborating on the question How can competitive sport for children be more educational?
For the sport practice, Ken Black suggests that players can “Manipulate space and use a zonal approach”. This means that players with comparable abilities are placed in one zone within a basketball court, for example. The ball has to pass each zone during the game, so that “everyone has the opportunity to participate”.
Are you curious about learning more? Please find Ken’s Practical Guide To Inclusive Team Sport HERE.
These are findings which the DITEAM12 project group has gathered in addition to a comprehensive literature review. All was presented during a videoconference which took place on 19 August and which was attended by several dozen participants from across the globe.

Autumn 2020
Meetings with experts are coming!
Experts in inclusion and sports will be participating in DITEAM12 online meetings.
Are you interested in joining?
Visits to the clubs
Depending on the COVID-19 situation, the DITEAM12 partners will be visiting the clubs once they restart their training.
Systematic Literature Review on Diverse and Inclusive Teams for Children under 12
ICSSPE took charge of conducting a comprehensive literature review on diversity and inclusion in grassroots sport for children under 12. The collection of evidence-based studies is a resourceful reference for practitioners, coaches, clubs and parents. For the full-text report, please click HERE.
Key takeaways from the literature review:
There seems to be a need for de-emphasising competitive aspects of grassroots sports.
Cooperation, fun-orientated and task-orientated activities are essential elements of inclusive sports programmes.
Coaches must be competent and have a comprehensive understanding of inclusion in order to uphold these values.
Parents role in grassroots sport should be that of support, positivity and the safe-space.

Diteam 12 Starting point ¿Sports clubs and inclusion, what is the current situation in the countries participating in this project?
In despite of COVID-19 Crisis, the Diteam12 Consortium have been working on the report the state of the art of the project. This firs approach concerns the participation of youth and children in sports and how sport can promote inclusivity, it can also bring exclusion, disrespect and even violence, especially in a highly competitive environment.
You can read it through the partners websites .
Newsletter nº1 July2020
“Diverse and
Inclusive Teams for Children under 12”
Summer 2020
Cheer On!!!
A “quick survey” is prepared to work with the sports clubs involved in the project Diteam12.
The goal is to gather information about the inclusion in the clubs through these short questionnaires.
Visit to the clubs
If the COVID19 situation allows it, the partners will be visiting the clubs from September/October depending on the fact of clubs restart their training and competitions.

MI HIJO Y YO hosts the first meeting of the project DITEAM12
13th & 14th The Kick Off meeting was celebrated in Gran Canaria with the participation of the project’s partners. The project is a European-wide initiative, with partners from Mi Hijo y Yo (MHYY) in Spain, the European Paralympic Committees (EPC) in Austria, Educational Research Institute (ERI) in Slovenia, Informa Psicologia y Deporta (IDP) in Spain, Schola Empirica (SE) in the Czech Republic and the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education in Germany.
During this meeting a presentation was held in the Gran Canaria Arena Stadium, with the participation of the sport’s councillor of Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Francisco Castellano, and a large representation of associations and institutions working on inclusion in sports.
A roadmap was designed between the project consortium, and the project launch with a huge enthusiasm from all the partners and stakeholders.