European Coach Developer Academy (ECDA)
Coaches must have a more ”relational” evaluation and self understanding of the athletes view, and a more collaborative position, providing a “networking” team work process, in order to gain different basic knowledge and help from different professionals.
Through the various projects that EPC is involved at this moment, and other known good practices, we are gaining connections and strength between different international organizations, national Paralympic committees, and EU member state national bodies, in order to develop a European Coach Developer Academy, aiming to help “training and coaching“ competences to coach trainers, to all NPC.
The objective is to conceive and promote a European Coach Guideline framework dissemination, with homogeneous basis, in order to all member states implement in their national sport structures, to achieve “the same language” between member state organizations, and therefore, good practice sharing and collaborative networking.

Actual Project Partners (plus European Collaboration Network)
European Paralympic Committee, EPC – Austria (Leader)
International Council for Coaching Excellence, ICCE – UK
The Sport Institute of Finland, TSIF – Finland
Institute of Sport – National Research Institute, IS-NRI – Poland
Croatian Paralympic Committee, CPC – Croatia
Sport Ireland, SI - Ireland
Lisbon Athletics Association, AAL – Portugal