The ParaManager Project aims to transform the management of Paralympic and disability sports through a comprehensive framework, capacity-building e-learning course, and dissemination of good practices. Led by the European Paralympic Committee and supported by seven National Paralympic Committees (NPCs), this project is structured to ensure sustainable impact across Europe and supported by Erasmus+.
ParaManager aims to contribute specifically to the inclusion of citizens with disabilities in sport, through the improvement of sport managers' knowledge and awareness for the specific needs of their participants, and those working with them.
Help to improve the awareness and knowledge of disability, in managers working in sport, and enhance management knowledge in disability sport.
Standardize knowledge, skills, and capacities for managers to be more inclusive in sport, promoting the Paralympic movement and message, through an online course.
Improve the understanding of Managers, about the needs of agents and staff working with disability in sport, and the facilitation of citizens with disability in sport actions activities.
State of Art report, framework document, and online course, to be available to the European Member States.
International Certificate from EPC, for those who attend and conclude the course online, and an opportunity for NPCs to recruit new certificate managing staff

Croatia Paralympic Committee
Hellenic Paralympic Committee
Lithuania Paralympic Committee
Poland Paralympic Committee
Portugal Paralympic Committee
Serbia Paralympic Committee
Slovak Paralympic Committee