European Para Championships 2023 announcement
In August 2023, the European Para Championships of ten different parasports will be organized simultaneously for the very first time. The inaugural edition will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from Tuesday 8 to Sunday 20 August 2023.
The only pity is to miss it.

CP Football workshops
Applications for a grant for countries to host a CP Football workshop are now open. IFCPF organises CP Football coach education courses in partnership with National Paralympic Committees, Football Federations, Disability Organisations or anyone who leads on CP football in their country. Besides a grant of 2000€ for the host country, IFCPF offers also the flights of two course instructors. The support from IFCPF workshops aims to give an initial introduction to CP Football and equip managers, coaches, classifiers, referees and others involved with the information to develop CP Football in your country.
IFCPF is interested in developing CP Football in specific European regions, especially in East Europe and South East Europe. Although workshops are hosted in a specific country, they are open for participants from other countries also.
Countries interested to host a workshop or coach education course have to submit the application form attached below, along with the required supporting documentation, to the IFCPF secretariat before November 1st of the year prior to the commencement of the grant’s activities.

Hungarian Paralympic Committee
5th Hungarian Para Sport Day
On 12th December in 2017, the Hungarian Parliament unanimously adopted by 177 votes with no abstentions the official celebration day of the Hungarian Para sport to be held and celebrated on 22nd of February, every year.
Related to the program series of the Hungarian Parasport Day, more than 600 educational institutes have organised extraordinary physical education lessons and had great discussions with our para athletes about the Paralympic Movement and their sports career. Further, able-bodied and students with disabilities have the opportunity to try out different para sports together during the day.
As part of the Para Sport Day, we also use to organize a sport professional conference in Budapest, we were so glad to welcome Dr Tabo Huntley, Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching and ParaCoach Project Director amongst our presenters, given an excellent presentation about the ParaCoach Program which is one of the most important pillars of the European collaboration, a strategic key point of the European Paralympic Committee.
The Ambassadors of the fifth edition of the Hungarian Parasport Day have been Ms Luca Ekler Paralympic gold medallist para athlete (long jump) in Tokyo2020 and Dr Balázs Baji, World Champion bronze medallist sprint hurdler.

Heading 1
The European Universities Games 2022 are approaching, and that the registrations are open!
This year’s edition includes Sitting Volleyball 3v3 and Para Table Tennis.
The Games will be held this summer between July 17 and 30 in Lodz, Poland. Student-athletes from all over Europe will be able to compete in 20 sports and also engage in educational and social activities. We expect around 5000 participants for this edition, representing over 400 European universities from 40 countries to come and compete in the largest academic sport event in Europe.
The invitation to participate is still open. Participants should be athletes aged 17-30 and be enrolled in higher education studies. Only fully vaccinated participants will be able to take part.
The registration is conducted by the national university sport bodies in Europe. Please contact them if you wish to register your teams.
The second General Entry deadline for registrations is set for February 15 and the third deadline for late registrations on March 15

General Assembly of the European Paralympic Committee (EPC)
On Saturday, 6 November 2021the General Assembly and Conference of the European Paralympic Committee (EPC) took place in Limassol, Cyprus, and was hosted by the Cyprus Paralympic Committee.

During the General Assembly, the members of the EPC Committee approved a new, dynamic Strategic Plan for the future development of the organisation. EPC showed a strong commitment and clear ambition to build and strengthen the Parasport movement in Europe.
Please find here the newly elected EPC Executive Committee:
President: Raymond, Blondel (Netherlands),
Vice-President: Asa Llinares Norlin (Sweden),
Treasurer: Terje Jentoft Roel (Norway),
Miriam Malone (Ireland),
Anita Urr (Hungary),
Lukasz Szeliga (Poland),
Geoff Newton (Great Britain)
Mindaugas Bilius (Lithuania).

Tokyo 2020
24th August- 5th September!!!
All the relevant information and updates can be found here:
International Paralympic Committee:
Tokyo 2020:
News About TEAMTOC
Press release
Rotterdam will host the inaugural edition of the European Para Championships 2023
Rotterdam is the host city of the first edition of the European Para Championships in 2023. This multi-sport event will take place in August of 2023. For the first time, the continental championships for several different para-sports are all being clustered together in and around the same host city; Rotterdam.
The event dates are from Tuesday the 8th until Sunday the 20th of August 2023 and the event is aiming for 7 to 10 different sports including para-cycling, wheelchair tennis, boccia, goalball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, para table tennis, judo and shooting Para sport. All of the events that are part of the European Para Championships are also very relevant for the Road to Paris 2024.
The main venue for this event is the well-known Rotterdam Ahoy. For 50 years Rotterdam Ahoy has been the place where sports and entertainment come together. The venue is built to house leading sports and entertainment events and brings athletes and artists even closer to the fans. National, European and World Championships are being held here and this month it hosts the final of the Eurovision Song Contest.
Tamara van Ark (minister of Sports of the Netherlands) is very positive about this initiative. ‘In the Netherlands, we are striving to be a guiding country in sports and sporting events. With this Dutch initiative we’re showing the world that para sports are very important for us and we really think it helps to professionalize para sports in general’.
Raymon Blondel, President of the National Paralympic Committee of the Netherlands, is also proud to be the hosting country. ‘I think that para sports in Europe deserves an equivalent to events in Asia and Pan America. The European Games do not have a para edition and that’s why we are thrilled to co-operate with the European Paralympic Committee who gave us the possibility to work on a separate ‘European Para Games’.’
Sven de Langen, alderman of sport in the host city of Rotterdam, adds: ‘Rotterdam would like to be an inclusive city where diversity is a very important topic. We are happy that Rotterdam was chosen to welcome 1,500 athletes and, hopefully, a lot of spectators to this inaugural edition. I am sure it will be a celebration of para sports in general.’
Jiske Griffioen, wheelchair tennis player and Paralympic champion, is an enthusiastic ambassador of the event. ‘The event’s general theme is to ‘Enable your abilities’’, and everybody has a disability one way or another. We would like to show that we’re focusing on the things we can do and not on the things we cannot do. And I think this concept is a great example of this.’
‘We are discussing the possibilities with the different international federations whether it is possible to build (covered) outdoor centre courts in the city centre of Rotterdam to bring the different sports to the audiences there as well. We did this for the World Para Archery Championships in 2019 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch where we enjoyed full stands, and the feedback we had from athletes, public and press was great. That is what we are aiming for. Not only for 2023 but also for 2027 and 2031, when we would like to bring this event to another European capital”, Eric Kersten (founder of event organizer Team TOC) adds.
"I am delighted that the NPC Netherlands has taken this initiative and that the first European Paralympic Championships will be held in the Netherlands in 2023. This represents an important milestone for the Paralympic movement in Europe, and can hopefully be the start of regular European Games - in the future perhaps also in collaboration with other continental sports organizations", EPC Acting President Terje Jentoft Roel states.
More information? Please contact Anniek Rijpstra
European Para Championships
Jiske Griffioen Credits by Mathilde Dusol
Kelly Van Zon Credits by Rob de Ruiter
Paracycling Credits by Team TOC

Wheelchair Basketball Credits by Steffi Wurderl

News About ParaCoach Project

News About the National Paralympic Committee of Israel

Cooperation agreement signing ceremony in Israel between the NPC´s of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus and a goalball tournament supported as a mutual project by Agitos.

News About the Erasmus+ 2021 Programme
Dear members,
Please find the information about Erasmus+ 2021 Programme published here in all languages:

If you want to learn more about the Eramus+ 2021 Programme or the proposals and tenders, you can find it here:
News About the European Paralympic Committee General Assembly
The next European Paralympic Committee General Assembly is scheduled to take place on the 6th of November 2021 in Limassol (Cyprus).
- Thursday 4th of November: Arrival of the delegates.
- Friday 5th of November: EPC Conference.
- Saturday 6th of November: General Assembly.
- Sunday 7th of November: Departure of the delegates.

Further information will follow soon. We hope to see you in November!
President Ratko Kovačić has resigned from the position as EPC President!
The EPC Executive Board is sorry to hear that the President of the EPC, Ratko Kovačić has resigned from the position of President for personal and health reasons and expresses their gratitude for Ratko Kovačić´s services to the EPC and the contribution he has made to promoting the Paralympic Movement in Europe.
EPC Vice President Terje Jentoft Roel will take over leading the EPC for the rest of the period.
Appointment of a new EPC Vice-President
The EPC Executive Board has unanimously appointed EPC Executive Board Member Åsa Llinares Norlin as the new EPC Vice-President.
Postponement of the EPC GA 2021
In its meeting in April, the EPC Executive Board decided to postpone the EPC General Assembly 2021 till a new date after the Paralympic Games in Tokyo and before the IPC General Assembly 2021. In the meeting on 23 November, the EPC Executive Board confirmed this decision. The GA will probably be held in October or early November. a bid process for organizing the GA will start as soon as possible.
5th Edition of the European Para Youth Games
The opening ceremony of the 5th edition of the European Para Youth Games took place in Lahti, Finland on the evening of the 26th of June 2019 at the Pajulahti Hall.
400 Athletes from 27 Nations will compete in the following days in 8 sports.
This competition is a great opportunity for every child with an impairment to make his dream come true and to become a part of the Paralympic Family!
Many thanks to NPC Finland for a great organization and hosting the EPYG!
See the President Speech herewith:
"Dear friends of the Paralympic Movement, my dear athletes and coaches, dear local and regional authorities, dear member of EPYG 2019 organizing committee.Dear friends,
As passionate member of the Paralympic mov
ement I witnessed numerous competitions on all levels - yet, when the time arrives for the European Paralympic Youth Games here in beautiful Lahti my heart beats faster.
There is nothing more fabulous than to see the European Youngsters gathered in one place. So, on the eve of such a great sports celebration, we are allowed to dream a little. Because it all starts and started with a dream.
On this Games we will see knew rising stars, future Paralympians and most of all we will see what is possible if we take our destiny in our hands and actively live our life.
In our Paralympic world, we know that dreams do come true butit takes hard work, sweat, and determination.
It takes hard work and determination for organizing such an event as well -
so let me thank you to the organizing committee and NPC Finnland for hosting the Games and making a part of our dream true – a dream where every child with an impairment has the right and possibility to engage in sports.
This is in the heart and mind of every EPC Board Member and why we decided to dedicate our time and efforts to make it possible.
To see the 4th EPYG makes us very proud and we hope that the Games will be memorable for each athlete and just one step to the next sports level.
So, let us have an exciting time in Pajulahti and begin…let the Gameswish you best achievement"
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Furthermore an EPC Executive Board Meeting took place on the 26th and 27th of June 2019.
Members present were the EPC President Ratko Kovačić, Vice-President Terje Jentoft-Roel, Treasurer Rivo Killer, Members at Large Miriam Malone, Asa Llinares Norlin, Denis Jaeken, Samuel Rosko and Head of Office Saskia Kanfer.
On the Agenda have been crucial items for the further development of the EPC.
3 working groups have been installed with the following important items: One working group will be in charge of the EPC Vision, one working group will handle the legal aspects of the EPC and a third group will deal with the EPYG Competition opportunities and the development of Youth.

The European Paralympic Committee accepted the invitation of Israel NPC to host the 2019 conference and the General Assembly in Israel.
In the conference that was held in the beautiful city of Netanya, just aside the sea, there were more than 100 participants from 35 European NPCs , IOSDs ,sport federations and European sport organizations.
THE GA was led by the president of the European Paralympic Committee, Mr. Ratko Kovacic. Guest of honor was Mr. Andrew Parsons, the president of the IPC.
The theme of the conference was "Tackling the future", and it included lectures and round tables discussions.
At the opening, after the blessing by Ratko Kovacic, EPC president, and Dr. Yehoshua Dekel, the president of Israel NPC, Mr. Andrew Parsons, President of the IPC, shared the updates of the new vision and strategic goals of the IPC.
Following that, Dr. Osnat Fliess Douer, director of Science and Technology at the Israeli NPC, gave a talk about Technology in modern Paralympic sports where she shared some facts and concerns. At the end of her talk, there was a suggestion to create a European scientific and technological forum, to consult and share ideas mainly on athlete’s safety issues.
Miriam Malone, board member of the EPC, in her talk, shared the outcome of the European survey, and Elvira Stinissen (EPC board member) gave a talk titled: Intro into the desired future.
Among the topics that were raised in the group discussions, a significant one was how to improve the collaboration between the NPCs throughout the year.
Representatives from the LOC of Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022, shared up to date information about the coming games and made the audience very excited.
During the cocktail event, Mrs. Miriam Fireberg-Ikar, the mayor of Netanya, shared her gratitude and honor to host in her city such an important conference and event.
At the end of the GA, the visitors had an unforgettable tour in the old city of Jerusalem. To many of them, it was a first visit in the holy land.
At his closing speech, Ratko Kovcic the EPC President, acknowledged Israel NPC and expressed his appreciation for the wonderful hospitality and the outstanding organization.
Photographer Keren Isaacson
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The next EPC General Assembly and Conference will take place in Netanya, Israel from the 3-5 May 2019.
The EPC GA will be hosted by NPC Israel.
Conference EPC Agenda GA
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Celebrate this day with peace, love and bliss. Have a blessed and holy Easter!
Dear Members,
VOICE Newsletter
Find herewith the latest News regarding our Voice project:
To managers of tandem cycling clubs for blind cyclists and independent blind tandem cyclists:
You may not know this but a great deal of tandem cycling for the blind is taking place in Israel.
With more than 12 clubs cycling on varied terrain from European forest to the biblical deserts, from a ski resort at 2000m above sea level to the Dead Sea at more than 400 m below sea level, from bustling coastal cities to historic and holy sites, our tandem cyclists ride year round.
After more than 12 years of activity during which we have gone on a touring trip in Europe once a year, we would like to offer you to come cycle with us in Israel.
We intend to host a weeklong tandem mountain bike tour for blind tandem cyclists from across Europe. In order to deliver a great experience for all participants in the event, we would like to ask you for your preferences, expectations, suggestions and proposals.
We believe that around this activity we can build a big international community of tandem cycling for the blind and move it forward.
The initiative is supported by the Israel Paralympic Committee, the Jewish Institute for the Blind in Jerusalem, Canvelo Tandem Cycling Clubs and the Israel Cycling Federation.
If you are interested in this initiative, please provide us with the following information: Name, Country, Email, Address, Telephone Number, Club name, Number of members, Riding type: Off road/road, Average riding distance per ride, Club type: Blind/couples/other.
Would you like to get more information?
Please contact Mr. Ilan Sivan at
For photos from tandem cycling activities in Israel click here .
For a video from the Israeli tandem national championships click here.
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The next edition of the EPYG will take place in the city of Lahti, southern Finland at the Pajulathti Olympic and Paralympic training center from the 25-30 June 2019.
The Games will consist of 5 competition days.
The sports and disciplines included in the Games are Athletics, Boccia, Swimming, Table tennis, Goalball, Judo (for visually impaired athletes), Wheelchair Basketball and one demonstration sport- Showdown.
The age range is from 13 to 23.
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On 30th of May 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria, the 21st European Para-Armwrestling Championship was open. More than 300 athletes with disabilities from 32 countries were attending. The official opening of the competition was done by the President of the European Paralympic Committee Mr. Ratko Kovacic and the President of the World Armwrestling Federation Mr. Assen Hadjitodorov.
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The 2018 BEC Para-Badminton Event in Vienna, organised by Badminton Europe (BEC) with the Austrian Badminton Association and European Paralympic Committee is now less than ten days away.
The event which takes place in Vienna from 15-18 November, will have a total of 30 participants from 12 Member Associations and it is planned primarily for administrators and beginner coaches in para-badminton.
- BEC is once again organizing a para-badminton event where our members can benefit from the knowledge sharing on to integrate and develop para-badminton in Europe and also about the best practices for coaching wheelchair and standing players. We are very happy with the interest to attend from 12 countries and I am certain it will be a fruitful experience for all of us, expressed João Matos, BEC Vice President, Chair of Para-Badminton Commission.
A fourth for Hall
Kaity Hall, who will be taking the role as Head Coach for the event in Vienna is happy with how the numbers in para-badminton are rising. Hall believes that events such as the para event in Vienna will entice more people into the sport.
- I am looking forward to the BEC Para-Badminton Event in Vienna this year. This will be my fourth year doing a para-badminton coaching course for BEC and each year the enthusiasm and standard of coaches and players increases, Kaity Hall told Badminton Europe.
- It's very exciting to see so many countries participating in these events as para-badminton is an amazing sport covering 6 classes giving opportunities to compete across the board, she added.
- Para-Badminton will make its debut in Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and hosting events like this gives coaches the drive and experience to find and train new players with the ultimate goal of Paralympics, Hall commented.
Stay tuned on the BEC platforms for more updates from the event in Vienna next week.
Download the detailed agenda here