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On February 23 and 24, partners in the European project VOICE met for the partners meeting in Vienna, Austria. The project focuses on combating sexual violence and harassment in European sport through research and by listening to the voices of those affected, promoting safe sporting environments and freedom from harassment, violence, exploitation, and abuse. EPC was represented at the meeting by Saskia Kanfer, Head of Office.


The meeting started on Thursday morning with an overview of the main activities and achievements by the coordinators & steering group, led by German Sport University, NWG-Network and a survivor of sexual abuse.


University partners from eight participating countries - German Sport University (GER), Edge Hill University (GBR), University of Ljubljana (SLO), University of Southern Denmark (DEN), University of Debrecen & University of Budapest (HUN), University of Vienna (AUT), University of Antwerp & Thomas More University College (BEL), University of Vic - University Central of Catalunya (ESP) presented their status quo in the project. The research started with interviews with the victims and survivors of sexual harassment & abuse, and the call is still open. An analysis will follow, and stories will be shared after being anonymized.


The four sport organizations partners - European University Sports Association (EUSA), European Paralympic Committee (EPC), Youth Section of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth) and the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) also presented their activities and shared their commitments and dissemination plan.


The meeting in Vienna concluded with parallel workshops with university partners and sport organizations and providing practical information about the future activities; namely staging the national forums, an organization of European workshop, the collection of good practices and development of educational resources.



A PDF of the latest newsletters can be found here:


Newsletter "VOICE" September 2018




Newsletter "VOICE" March 2017








More information you will find on the official website:


Dear participants of the VOICE-Final conference,


now the Final conference of the EU-project VOICE is already half a year ago and the project has expired on 30.6.2018. After the project ended, we had two months left to write all the reports and also finish the educational material - which we also did.


However, after the end of the report and educational material, we also did some extra feedback loops and today we can proudly present to you the 7 different films - each in the different languages of the partner countries - with 6 manuals (all manuals are in English). 


These really comprehensive manuals will help you if you want to show and discuss the films in your sport settings in seminars, trainings or workshops.

In addition, there is an opening-film by Gloria Viseras – “I trusted him with my life”, which we have already shown at the Final Conference.


In the appendix of this email - also on the VOICE platform - you will find an overview of the individual films - so you can also specifically select and download a movie.


How can you download the educational material:

If you click on this link below, you will be taken to the VOICE website and there to the 'resources' section:


There you scroll all the way down to the heading “Educational resources” – scroll to the end and click the button: 'Access resources'.

Then you have to register once and get access to the platform, which you can then use again and again and from where you can download the movies in your respective language.



Since the VOICE project is now over, we have already set up the email group: 

'The VOICE communication group' with the project partners.

If you do not want to be a member of the VOICE-community – email group to receive more information at irregular intervals - please write back to this email address. Then we will delete you.


Forwarding of the educational material:

You are welcome to forward this email to others who also participated in the VOICE project, but have not taken part at the Final conference. Gladly forward to your distributors.


Additional Information:

We'll let you know as soon as we get the extra feedback loops done and finish uploading 

a) the 'Good practice Guide - Supporting people affected by sexual violence in sports - a guide to sport organizations -


b) the Final Research Report on the VOICE project.


Now we wish you a lot of interest in watching the films, reading the manuals and bringing them to the European sports world.


We wish you all a nice autumn time and send

warm greetings 


The VOICE Steering Group

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European Paralympic Committee

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