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The Vienna 2014 Women’s Leadership Summit "EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR LEADERSHIP" will take place in Vienna, Austria, from the 8-11 May 2014.

Below you will find Information and the registration form:


Please download the registration form here:

Registration Women’s Leadership Summit "EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR LEADERSHIP"


Enclosed you will find the PDF file for the "Leadership Summit - Empowering Women for Leadership" which will take place in Vienna/Austria, 8-11 May 2014.


To download it please click on the PDF file: "Empowering Women For Leadership"


During the IPC General Assembly in Athens, a Get Together from female participants from the European Family took place. The aim was to empower Women for the Leadership summit which took place in Vienna from the 8th  to the 11th of May 2014.


11 countries from the National Paralympic Committees were present as well as  International Organisations from Sports for Disabled like IWAS and ITTF. The following NPC´s attended: Austria, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Romania, Great Britain and Greece.

A Get Together during IPC General Assembly in Athens


The European Paralympic Committee (EPC) Working Group on "Women in Sport" was established during the inaugural meeting on 1st June this year. The Group, initiated and chaired by Austrian Paralympic Committee Secretary General and EPC Executive Board Member Petra Huber, has the vision to work towards Equal Opportunities and Gender Equity in Sport, with specific reference to the Paralympic Movement.


With expert support from Tine Rindum-Teilmann, Chair Person of the IPC Standing Committee "Women in Sport" and Dr. Rosa Diketmueller from the University of Vienna, the group around Maria Rauch-Kallat, NPC Austria President, Maura Strange, IWAS Executive Director, and Annika af Winklerfelt, NPC Sweden Secretary General, seek to develop the above vision through a process of awareness raising, the creation of a knowledge base, and the development of support mechanisms such as mentoring and network systems.


These elements will seek to affect the overall goals of the EPC Working Group which include reaching a more balanced leadership in Paralympics, equality in relevant competition programmes, ensuring equal resources for female athletes and establishing a European hub of knowledge, expertise, and influence. Furthermore, the Group will seek to build on the foundations provided by the Women´s International Leadership Programme (WILD) run by the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO).


The Working Group will soon enter into the recruitment phase seeking members to submit an application for consideration by the EPC Executive Board. For further information, please contact Petra Huber at


At the 8th of August 2014, an EWS meeting took place at the EPC HQ in Vienna.

Participants of the meeting were EWS Chair Kristina Thurée, EPC Board member and EWS steering group member Petra Huber, Dr. Rosa Diketmüller from the Austrian Sports University and Saskia Kanfer EPC Head of Office. 


The main issues of the meeting were to get an overview of the main stakeholders and partners of the EWS in order to build new cooperation. Furthermore, a Memorandum of Understanding between the EWS and the EPC will be worked out. An important focus for the work of EWS will be to implement the EU Proposal for Strategic actions 2014-2020 on Gender Equality in Sport.

 EWS meeting at the EPC HQ in Vienna
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European Paralympic Committee

Untere Donaustrasse 47 top B06b

1020 Vienna

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